Risk Management for Needlestick or Sharp Object Injuries among Nurses in Emergency Room, Thammasat University Hospital
Chonthicha Rodpetchphai Somkiat Siriruttanapruk Sasitorn Taptagaporn Surasak Buranatrevedh Charuwan Tadadej

คณะสาธารณสุขศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล
420/1 ถ.ราชวิถี เขตราชเทวี กรุงเทพฯ 10400
E-Mail: pimpan.sil@mahidol.ac.th
Mobile: 086 334 1656
Factors Related to Medication Taking Behavior of Chronic Illness Clients in Community Underpinning King's Nursing Theory
Vanida Durongritichai Hataichanok Buajaroen
Respiratory Symptom and Pulmonary Function of Home Based Garment Workers: A Case Study in Bansang Community, Bangpa-in District, Phra Nakhon Si Ayitthaya Province
Satakamol Prasongwattana Suchinda Jarupat Maruo Orasa Panpakdee Surintorn Kalampakorn
Determinants of Readiness to Adopt Regular Physical Activity among Working-Age People: A Transtheoretical Model
Kultida Panidchakul Suneerat Boonsin
Guideline for Child Abuse Care
Naruemon Auemaneekul
Effects of Participatory Learning and Self-Regulation Program on Perception and Preventive Behaviors of Cervical Cancer among Women in Banna District, Nakhon Nayok Province
Sakhorn Nuntagowat Rachanee Sunsern Pornnapa Homsin
The Effect of Adolescents Adaptive Behavioral Program on Preventive Smoking Cigarette and Alcohol Consumption
Noraluk Ua-kit Siriporn Chuanchat Jarinya Kaewsakulthong