Effects of Motivation Intervention on Drinking Refusal Self-efficacy and Outcome Expectancy among Early Male Adolescents
Prasit Kaiyarach Rungrat Srisuriyawet Pornapa Homsin

คณะสาธารณสุขศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล
420/1 ถ.ราชวิถี เขตราชเทวี กรุงเทพฯ 10400
E-Mail: pimpan.sil@mahidol.ac.th
Mobile: 086 334 1656
Factors Related to Use of Maternal and Child Health Services in a Marginalized Community: a Case Study in the Thai-Myanmar Border Area
Wit Wichaidit Jaranit Kaewkungwal Chukiat Sirivichayakul Pimsurang Taechaboonsermsak Visut Suvithayasiri
The Effect of Empowerment Program in Health Promotion on Food Consumption Behaviors, Exercise Behaviors, and Nutritional Status of Junior High School Students
Somchit Nakrapanich Ratana Puengsema Kanogwan Suwanpatikorn
The Evaluation of Career Motivation among Nurses at Medicine Divisions, Sapasithiprasong Hopsital Ubon Ratchathani province
Anun Chaikoolvatana Jureerat Chanthamut
Way of Buddhist Life insight from Thai Older Adults: Mental Well-being
Chanita Praditsathaporn Pimsupa Chandanasotthi Kwanjai Amnatsatsue Rachanee Sunsern
Context-Based Learning: a Strategy for Achieving the Sub-District Health Promotion Hospital Policy
Nithra Kitreerawutiwong Phudit Tejativaddhana
Violence Against Children: New Challenge for Nurses
Nantaga Sawasdipanich